Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday morning on Tuesday wtf

So on my way to my 9 to 5 desk job I got into a car accient!! This is my rant, although I know that we are all guilty of this, yes including me. This beetle is driving in front of me and I notice that the woman is brushing her hair, obviously not paying enough attention to the road. So I notice she is getting close the mini van in front of her and I slow down, I see that she has not slowed down and that she is most likely going to rearend the mini van. I inturn applied hard fast pressure to my breaks and was unable to stop. Trying to strear away fron the accident with out getting into a new one. I was left with three options, 1 avoid them and go into the trafic in the next lane. 2 smash right into the back of the beetle and crush the little car. 3 try to avoid them by sneeking into the small space between the beetle and the bridge gaurd rail... what would you do? I choose to try and avoid them in that little tiny space between the beetle and the mini van. Now thinking that this would be the best possible situation, I ended up clipping the beetle with my right front bumper and also nicking the mini van with the same spot on my car. When we all stopped I looked back and the chick in the beetle was on her cell phone!!! Now here I am sitting the in the middle of the two vehicals that were in the intial accident and the woman in the mini van has no idea that I wasnt the one that hit her. She asks me how fast I was going I said me? She is the one that slammed into you I tried to avoid both of you and came through there....
So here I am at work on the phone with mpi and trying to explain how all of this came to be. It looks as though I will be held at fault for hitting someone or at least having to pay my deductable, when if that beetle would of been off of her phone and not brushing her hair this could of all been avoided.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Welcome back

Well, now I see that I haven't blogg in a long long time. Now it's not that there has been nothing to write about, it's more that I have been busy at work and reading alot of stuff on nutrician and excersise. Let's try and get you all up to speed! Christmas was great! the little one loved everything she got!! Santa spoiled her rotten once again, the list of toys goes on and on. I think I might ask Sanata to clean out the basement as the dust bunnies are starting to muliply at about the same rate as live bunnies do. It's unreal the amount of toys that one child has. I honestly think if I threw it all away she wouldnt miss a thing. Santa was great to me as well, okay maybe not Santa the the BF got me a new camera that is great!! We spent our time with family and friends as it should be. All was calm all was right.
After Christmas of coarse comes new years! The BF played music all night at a local bar in the country. This worked out well as it was my dad's hometown so we were able to stay at the homestead. The night was great! I love watching him play ;) I even got a drumstick out of the deal. Well... my aunt stole the drumstick. I'm sure one day I'll get another one hehe.
Next came my birthday :) This was great fun!! A group of my good friends came out to BP and we drank the night away. The shooters started at 10:00 because I was told it wasn't good to have them to early.
SO... that brings us to the normal day to day life now. Work is fantastic it's taken me almost three months but I'm starting to get into the is Monday to Friday event. Wednesdays have become the best day of the week as I know that I am halfway to another wonderful weekend with the people I love :) I will be getting my first commision check at the end of the month, this is exciting as its going to be about 200 extra after taxes. Two new girls have been hired in my area, at first I was thinking that I was getting canned.... AHHHH that was scarey. Turns out I have great phone stats and great commisions so I'm in no danger of getting fired yet. I'm learning the office politics :) I came accross an account that concerned me so I spoke to higher up people and it turned out that it was a legal matter and that another company was tring to steal our customers. The higher ups were happy with the way I handled things and acctually sent me accomidations!!! This was great untill the wrong people found out lol now I have freinds that I don't even want. I have also seen the side of commissions that makes people crazy!! I seem to be in a fight with someone over a $15.00 commission. I would usually just say oh take it, but I am putting my foot down for principal of issue! Other then that things here are great I get along with my coworkers and I'm likeing the desk job. :)
Well I think that's enough for now... I'll be back another day to write somemore.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Mid Week Break

Well it's Thursday and it feels like I have had to come back to work on a Sunday! Christmas on a Tuesday and then having a Wednesday off is really not healthy! I've been sitting here mulling through my calls wondering when the day will be done. I'm not to sure how well I will deal with having to work a full week again. After the weekend off we will have to work Monday and then be off on Tuesday, returning mid week. I feel like crap having all these interruptions in my schedule!!!! To think I used to work unstable shift work, wow how fast I have adjusted! I'm not sure if part of feeling like crap is because this is a glimmer of what my life used to be like? Or perhaps I just fell into a pattern so easily that now it has been interrupted and my body is pissed at me? Maybe it's a reminder of the chaos I used to live? I really cant say, all I can do is complain and be yucky so that's all for today... As random and shifty this has been you can tell that my mind is scattered and my thoughts are lost :)
Cheers all

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve, A Monday

Here we are Monday again, the air in the office is different, people are cheerful and happy. Smiles all around, no sour faces or foul moods. It's Christmas Eve and it seems that the holiday over rules the Monday morning blues. Thank gawd!! I'm off at noon today, a huge change from my normal Christmas Eve night mares at Safeway! Working the close shift and having everyone scrambling for the last minute touches. The phones are sporadic but never the less still ringing. Soon it will be time to settle into the sofa and watch the little one open her presents. Her little eyes sparkling with aw as she unwraps the gifts to find the treasures with in.
Cheers all and Merry Holidays

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Dreaded Friday, Antisipated By Most

So it's Friday, for those of you that dread Monday mornings this is a day to celebrate and rejoice in the weeks comings and goings. For me this is a day of pure misery! I sit here and ponder all the things that I need to get done on the weekend, yes a list a mile long with only two short days to complete. Now the list is long but always manageable, drinks with friends, some shopping and cleaning. There is so much fun to be had and so little time to enjoy it. The clock stands still as I count down the minutes until I can leave and embark on my weekend escapades. GGGRRR!!!! This Monday to Friday life is cruel. I guess I should shuck it up and stop complaining I don't have to work till 12 a.m on Fridays or Saturdays no more early Sunday morning hangovers, or customers waiting outside the door. So as horrible as Fridays might be it's still better then the alternative, WORK.
Cheers y'all

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Lining Up At The Troff

So it was free lunch day today... Most days you walk past out cafeteria and you see one or two people. Generally we all eat at our desk and work through our breaks. So at 11:30 the free lunch began. We took our turns two by two, well our department did. When we walked into the "meeting" room where the lunch was held we were bombarded with the aroma of wonderful food! Fresh fruits and vegetables, perogies, lasagnas, salads and so much more. Suddenly the people that you see only in passing are smiling and conversing as though they were old friends. It's interesting how in an office people don't generally talk but when you add food suddenly it's how are the kids and all sorts of small talk like that. I'm not sure when anyone ever found out the details of every ones life, never the less they know it. Back to the food! A beautiful spread lay in front of us. Dig in and help yourself take as much as you can eat, take more, stuff yourself full. Then when you think it's safe your sitting at your desk and ready to take a nap, they bring more. Dainties and pastries get passed around.So butter tarts, cookies cakes and squares, I'm more full then I thought possible! It's time to snuggle up in my chair and wrap my sweater around me close my eyes and take a nap. Nighty night. Turn the phone off, shut the computer down it's time for a nap I must rest my head, or rather my stomach.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Customer Care/Clean Up Laddies

Well I went to the gym last night and WOW did it feel great! I only did cardio and abs but how good it feels to work out :) As I sit here today I can feel all the little aches and pains from muscles that haven't been worked in a long time. Other then my workout I have nothing to talk about today. Every single call that I have gotten has been complicated and leaves me asking for help. Now I don't have any problems asking for help however when it's every call it makes me feel inadequate! I know that I am new and for the most part I know what I am doing, it's those little things... Well it's not my fault that I cant muddle through these little things, it seems that I keep finding mistakes that other people have made. It would seems that Safeway isn't the only company that tries to hide it's lack of action under a stack of paper work. The giant proverbial finger never gets pointed here you just add to the pile of things on top of it. Once the problem is caught(generally by the people in my department) it is difficult to fix. Never the less it is our job to find and fix...(Well it's not really) So we are called customer care but it's more like general complaint/fix and repair department. I am happy for the challenges that are presented to me here, by no means take any of this as a complaint on my part but more of an eye opening for me. As the task get harder I will learn more soon I wont need to ask for help and all will fall into place. The people that are helping me are getting a little sick of it, but even some of them have a hard time with the calls I have been getting! At least 2 calls today called for a general group meeting of the minds to come up with things to try.
Well cheers to you all :P